16.5 Changelog

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Version 16.5 includes a new ISO installer that enables admins to install and manage NG Firewall entirely via serial console for hardware appliances that do not have standard video output.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed - OpenVPN server enforces 2FA if enabled. Users with sufficient access rights could modify the client configuration file to exclude the 2FA requirement.
  • Fixed - Specific types of bypass rules prevented IPS from working. A bypass rule using a specific set of conditions caused Intrusion Prevention to fail when writing out the rule.
  • Fixed - License update check failure notice moved to warning message. If the device could not contact the licensing server the user received a notice at the top of the screen. This notice is now displayed as a general warning message.
  • Fixed - License changes are no longer logged to the Settings Changes report. License checks resulted in frequent events reported to the Settings Changes report. These checks and any other license changes are no longer included in the Settings Changes report.
  • Fixed - System could not start if ACPI function is disabled. If a system had this feature disabled in the BIOS, it created a fault in the UVM.

Known issues:

  • If OpenVPN requires 2FA, the tunnel configuration file includes the parameter to use 2FA. Prior to importing the tunnel configuration file, you must remove the following parameter: static-challenge "TOTP Code " 1

Important notice:

  • The OVA installation method for VMware is no longer available. For VMware installations, you can deploy via the ISO installer as a new virtual machine.


  • Minor security updates.


  • Updated certificate used for remote management from Edge Threat Management Dashboard (formerly Command Center).