Virus Blocker Lite Reports
The Reports tab provides a view of all reports and events for all traffic handled by Virus Blocker Lite.
All Virus Blocker Lite reports can be accessed using the Select Reports window. All pre-defined reports will be listed along with any custom reports that have been created.
Reports can be searched and further defined using the time selectors and the Conditions window at the bottom of the page. The data used in the report can be obtained on the Current Data window on the right.
Pre-defined report queries:
{{#section:All_Reports|'Virus Blocker Lite'}}
Conditions can be used to filter the traffic information shown in reports and events. Each condition has a corresponding column that can be viewed in the event viewer. Multiple conditions can be added to drill down and inspect Virus Blocker data. For a list of conditions, refer to the ftp_events, mail_addrs, mail_msgs and http_events tables in the Global DB Schema.
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